
02 October 2024

Welcome Javad as a new PostDoc to our group!

02 September 2024

Welcome Xinyu Wei as a new PhD student to our group! Xinyu will be working on the ADVOLCANO project with André and colleagues at KTH and RISE.

17 August 2024

Our article ‘’Security Allocation in Networked Control Systems under Stealthy Attacks’’ was accepted to the IEEE Transaction on Control of Network Systems, 2024.

24 July 2024

Our CDC 2023 paper co-authored by Tung has been awarded as the Outstanding Student paper from the CSS-TC Network and Communication Systems. This is a joint work with Zishuo Li, Yilin Mo (Tsinghua Uni.), and Karl Johansson (KTH). Congratulations!

24 July 2024

We have three recently accepted papers, two for CDC 2024 and one for SysDo 2024. See the details at Publications.

15 July 2024

One recent paper has been accepted to The 19th CRITIS 2024, Rome, Italy. The paper proposes a centrality-based method to solve a security allocation problem. See the details at Publications.

31 May 2024

Welcome Ville Kjellqvist as a new PhD student to our group! Ville will be working on the Prob4Sec project with André, Per, and Torbjörn.

30 May 2024

Sribalaji C. Anand has been awarded an International Postdoc Grant from the Swedish Research Council! The grant funds a 3-year postdoc employment at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, where the first 2 years would be hosted by the University of Pennsylvania, USA. Congratulations!

30 May 2024

Sribalaji C. Anand has successfully defended his Doctoral thesis, congratulations!! Sri’s doctoral thesis is available online.

07 May 2024

One recent paper has been accepted to the The International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security 2024, Vienna, Austria. The paper proposes a GNN-based intrusion detection system that can learn static, dynamic, and structural information by the incorporation of attack graphs and real-time measurements. See the details at Publications.

03 May 2024

Sribalaji C. Anand will have his Doctoral defence on May 30, 2024. Sri’s doctoral thesis is available online. Good luck!

16 April 2024

Our group participated in the ELLIIT Focus Period Symposium: Security and Fault Tolerance of Cyber-Physical Systems in Lund, April 16-18, 2024. André was one of the invited speakers, while Tung and Sri were invited as Visiting Scholars for two weeks during the Focus Period.

26 March 2024

We have 1 Postdoc position in Machine Learning focusing on Secure Federated Learning, together with Scaleout Systems AB, deadline on April 18, 2024. See the job ad for how to apply!

08 March 2024

One recent paper has been accepted to the IFAC SafeProcess 2024, Ferarra, Italy . The paper addresses the design of a full-state observer to maximize the transient detectability of static sensor errors, possibly caused through bias injection attacks. See the details at Publications.

29 February 2024

Our two recent papers have been accepted to the European Control Conference 2024, Stockholm . They investigate problems in security of safety filters and detection of delay attacks. See their details at Publications.

02 February 2024

We have 1 PhD position in Automatic Control focusing on probabilistic methods for secure control, deadline on March 08, 2024. See the job ad for how to apply!

30 January 2024

Welcome Jingwei Dong as a new PostDoc to our group!

08 January 2024

Our article ‘’Quickest detection of bias injection attacks on the glucose sensor in the artificial pancreas under meal disturbances’’ was published on Journal of Process Control. The article studies the problem of detecting bias injection attacks on the glucose sensor in the artificial pancreas under sporadic meal uncertainties.

06 December 2023

We have 1 PhD position in Automatic Control focusing on Distributed Voltage Control, together with KTH Royal Institute of Technology, deadline on January 30, 2024. See the job ad for how to apply!

01 December 2023

We have 1 Postdoc position in Machine Learning focusing on Secure Federated Learning, together with Scaleout Systems AB, deadline on January 15, 2024. See the job ad for how to apply!

29 November 2023

André has been appointed as a Wallenberg Academy Fellow 2023. Wallenberg Academy Fellows, the career program for young researchers launched by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation in cooperation with the Swedish Royal Academies in 2012, provides long-term funding for young, promising Swedish and foreign researchers from all academic fields. In 2023, 31 new researchers were appointed to the program.

06 November 2023

The Swedish Research Council has funded our project ‘‘Probabilistic Methods for Secure Learning and Control’’ (2024-2027), as part of the special call for projects in cybersecurity. André and Per will be leading the project.

18 October 2023

Our group received a grant by the Swedish Energy Agency for our newest four-year project ADVOLCANO - Adverse Voltage Controllers’ Interactions in Active Distribution Networks. The project is led by RISE, together with KTH and our group and Uppsala University. The topic of the project is on active voltage controllers for resilient and safe electricity supply.

17 October 2023

A new movie from SSF (Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research) describes our team’s research in developing more secure control systems in a popular scientific way.

13 October 2023

Tung has successfully defended his Licentiate thesis ‘’Security Allocation in Networked Control Systems’’ on October 13, 2023. Congratulations, Tung!

10 October 2023

Tung got Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Grant to visit University of Cyprus for a month.

29 September 2023

Our group received a Vinnova grant for a two-year project led by Scaleout Systems AB. The topic of the project is secure federated machine learning.

25 September 2023

Our article ‘’Risk Assessment of Stealthy Attacks on Uncertain Control Systems’’ was accepted to the IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 2023. This article studies the problem of determining the risk of attacks in the presence of an adversary with uncertain system knowledge.

25 September 2023

Welcome Alain Govaert as a new PostDoc to our group!

29 August 2023

The Royal Society of Sciences at Uppsala has awarded the Lilly and Sven Thuréus prize, technology-economics class, to André Teixeira for his work in ‘designing intelligent autonomous decision-making systems that are secure and resilient to external attacks (cyber threats)’.

16 August 2023

Welcome Lovisa Eriksson as a new PhD student, Ruslan Seifullaev and Daniel Arnström as new PostDocs to our group!

14 August 2023

Our article ‘’Risk-based Security Measure Allocation Against Actuator Attacks’’ was accepted to the IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems, 2023. This article considers the problem of risk-optimal allocation of security measures when the actuators of an uncertain control system are under attack.

12 July 2023

Our four recent papers have been accepted to the IEEE Conf. Decision and Control 2023, Singapore . They investigate problems in security and privacy of distributed consensus, secure state estimation, robust change detection, and detection of delay attacks. See their details at Publications.

02 July 2023

The Division of Systems and Control has an open faculty position for an Assistant Professor in Automatic Control, deadline on September 15. See the position ad for how to apply!

16 June 2023

We have 1 PhD position in Automatic Control focusing on Secure Control, deadline on August 21. See the PhD ad for how to apply!

18 April 2023

Our article ‘’Quickest Detection of Deception Attacks on Cyber-Physical Systems with a Parsimonious Watermarking Policy’’ has just been accepted to the IFAC Journal Automatica. The paper investigates the problem of quickest change detection via physical watermarking with a twist: to balance the usage of watermarking noise with the detection delay.

13 March 2022

Sribalaji C. Anand has received the Liljewalch travel scholarship to support his research visit to Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, June 2023.

13 March 2022

Fatih Emre Tosun received the Liljewalch travel scholarship to support his attendance to the 7th Edition of the Workshop on Nonlinear System Identification Benchmarks at Eindhoven, The Netherlands, on 19-21 April 2023.

03 March 2023

Our three recent papers have been accepted to the IFAC World Congress 2023, Yokohama, Japan. They investigate problems in security and privacy via dynamic masking, optimal detector placement, and detection of delay attacks. See their details at Publications.

15 February 2023

(Closed) We have 1 Postdoc position focusing on Secure Learning and Control, deadline on March 15.

08 February 2023

(Closed) We have 1 Postdoc position in Automatic Control focusing on Resilience in Large-Scale Critical Infrastructures, deadline on March 15.

31 January 2023

(Closed) We have 1 PhD position in Automatic Control focusing on Secure Learning and Control, deadline on February 28. See the PhD ad for how to apply!

30 January 2023

Welcome Usama Zafar to our group as a new PhD student! He will be working on the project “Secure Federated Machine Learning.”

20 December 2022

Tung has received the Stenholm, Wilgott travel scholarship to support his attendance to an intensive course within the EECI International Graduate School on Control 2023.

20 December 2022

Sribalaji has received the Stenholm, Wilgott travel scholarship to support his research visit to Eindhoven University of Technology between March and July, 2023.

10 December 2022

Our two recent papers were presented IEEE Conf. on Decisions and Control 2022. Participants can see the pre-recordings until March 2023!

31 October 2022

Welcome Zhenlu Sun to our group as a new PhD student! He will be working on the project “Data-driven vulnerability analysis for critical infrastructures”.

14 October 2022

We have several proposals for MSc thesis projects at our group, candidates are interviewed continuously until early December. See the list and details for how to apply!

23 August 2022

We have 1 PhD position focusing on Secure Federated Machine Learning, deadline on September 27. See the ad for how to apply!

22 August 2022

We have two new papers accepted to IEEE Transactions in Automatic Control, take a look at our Publications page for their DOI.

22 August 2022

We have two new papers accepted to the IEEE Conference on Decisions and Control 2022! Take a look at our Publications page. See you in Cancun, Mexico!

19 May 2022

We have 2 Postdocs positions in Secure Learning and Control, one of which focused on Large-Scale Systems, deadline on July 29. See the ad for how to apply!

19 May 2022

We have 1 PhD position on Secure Learning and Control Systems, deadline on June 20. See the ad for how to apply!

16 May 2022

We have 1 PhD position on Secure Federated Machine Learning, deadline on May 27. See the ad for how to apply!

08 May 2022

Our new paper, on Risk assessment and optimal allocation of security measures, has been accepted to the Conference on Control Technology and Applications 2022.